Long COVID Recovery Implementation Plan

Say Goodbye to Long COVID Symptoms & Reclaim Your Vitality

You just got your Long COVID Recovery guide…

But you might need expert guidance that walks you through exactly what to do, how to eat and what supplements to take to kick your Long COVID symptoms to the curb.

There’s so much magic that happens when you take the wisdom from the Long COVID Recovery Guide and combine it with my expert guidance that walks you through step-by-step on exactly how to implement and customize your Long COVID Recovery Plan.

Get the Implementation Plan Now for $37
Get the Implementation Plan Now for $37

Use the Coupon Code: SAVE100 to get the course for just $37

See why 100’s of people can’t stop raving about the Long COVID Recovery Implementation Plan.

Elke Garner

“I didn’t realize how many of the foods that I was eating were causing inflammation in my joints and bloating in my intestines. By elimination toxic foods from my system, I have more energy and feet better and also lost weight.”

Tara Graham

“I am no longer exhausted. I am sleeping 8-9 hours and waking up feeling refreshed.”

Lori King

“I have a lot more energy and am able to sustain a full day of activities and work without feeling overwhelmed with fatigue. The quality of my sleep has improved by 80%. Most days I feel rested upon waking – that’s huge.”

Say goodbye to navigating the Long COVID recovery journey alone

Are you tired of waking up each day feeling trapped in a cycle of exhaustion, brain fog, and uncertainty caused by Long COVID?

As a Functional Nutritionist who’s worked with hundreds of chronically ill people, I understand the frustration, the fear, and the relentless battle you face as you strive to regain your health and vitality.

The journey of Long COVID recovery is fraught with challenges, but you don't have to face them alone.

Long COVID takes a huge toll on your body, mind, and spirit, and I am here to offer you a beacon of hope and a pathway to healing.

Here are some of the many things you might be going through with Long COVID

Persistent Fatigue

The unrelenting fatigue that leaves you feeling drained and unable to engage fully in your daily activities.

Cognitive Impairment

The frustrating brain fog and cognitive challenges that make it difficult to focus, remember, and think clearly.

Physical Weakness

The lingering physical weakness and muscle pain that limit your mobility and impact your quality of life.

Emotional Strain

The emotional rollercoaster of anxiety, depression, and uncertainty that accompanies the long-term effects of Long COVID.

Navigating Uncertainty

The overwhelming uncertainty of not knowing when you will fully recover and return to your pre-COVID self.

Understanding the challenges you face is something that many doctors and practitioners get… But the problem is that you need someone who has the knowledge, and know-how to expertly guide you through resolving your debilitating symptoms.

Persistent Fatigue

The unrelenting fatigue that leaves you feeling drained and unable to engage fully in your daily activities.

Cognitive Impairment

The frustrating brain fog and cognitive challenges that make it difficult to focus, remember, and think clearly.

Physical Weakness

The lingering physical weakness and muscle pain that limit your mobility and impact your quality of life.

Emotional Strain

The emotional rollercoaster of anxiety, depression, and uncertainty that accompanies the long-term effects of Long COVID.

Navigating Uncertainty

The overwhelming uncertainty of not knowing when you will fully recover and return to your pre-COVID self.

Understanding the challenges you face is something that many doctors and practitioners get… But the problem is that you need someone who has the knowledge, and know-how to expertly guide you through resolving your debilitating symptoms.

And this is why I decided to take my years of knowledge of working with the nervous system and functional nutrition to create the Long COVID Recovery Implementation Plan.

Long COVID Recovery Implementation Plan

Get the Implementation Plan Now for $37
Get the Implementation Plan Now for $37

Use the Coupon Code: SAVE100 to get the course for just $37

Get actionable insights, expert advice, and practical strategies tailored to help you overcome the obstacles and symptoms of Long COVID.

Here’s what you get:

Video 1: Unraveling the Mystery - The Impacts of Long COVID On Your Nervous System

Gain a comprehensive understanding of how Long COVID affects your nervous system. Learn about the intricate ways in which this illness can impact your body and empower yourself with valuable insights on managing its effects.

Video 2: Banishing the Culprits - Foods to Remove for Faster Recovery

Explore the essential information on the key foods that are hindering your recovery progress. Learn why removing these culprits is crucial for optimizing your body's healing potential and accelerating your path to healing.

Video 3: Nourishing Your Body - Healing Foods to Eliminate Symptoms

Delve into the world of healing foods and unlock the power of nourishment in supporting your body's healing process. Discover the nutrients and foods that will aid in your recovery journey and promote your body’s ability to self heal.

Video 4: Powering Up - Essential Supplements To Banish Long COVID

Get my top list of essential supplements that will eliminate viral overload, create more energy in your body and supercharge your recovery, while providing your body with the support it needs to heal. These supplements provide your nervous and immune systems with the key nutrients they need in order to heal and overcome Long COVID for good.

Video 5: Mastering Your Daily Protocol - Expert Tips and Strategies

Get my expert tips and strategies on what steps to take every single day in order to heal. You’ll learn how to overcome common challenges faced by clients, and you’ll see how to optimize your recovery journey. This video will show you how to integrate these practices seamlessly into your daily routine for sustained progress.

Video 6: Still Stumped? Extra Long COVID Support

Hear me talk through some difficult Long COVID cases and what truly made the difference in healing for these clients.

Here’s What You'll Gain from The Long COVID Recovery Implementation Plan:

Here’s What You'll Gain from The Long COVID Recovery Implementation Plan:

  • Knowledge That Transforms: Gain a deeper understanding of how Long COVID impacts your body and nervous system and how to address your healing.
  • Nutritional Guidance: Receive clear guidance on foods to avoid and incorporate that help you kick your symptoms to the curb fast.
  • Supplement Insights: Explore essential supplements that will speed up your healing process and get you back into life again.
  • Expert Healing Strategies: Get my expert tips and strategies to overcome daily challenges and stay on track so you can heal.
  • Knowledge That Transforms: Gain a deeper understanding of how Long COVID impacts your body and nervous system and how to address your healing.
  • Nutritional Guidance: Receive clear guidance on foods to avoid and incorporate that help you kick your symptoms to the curb fast.
  • Supplement Insights: Explore essential supplements that will speed up your healing process and get you back into life again.
  • Expert Healing Strategies: Get my expert tips and strategies to overcome daily challenges and stay on track so you can heal.

This video series was made for you

After going through this series you’ll be filled with expert knowledge and strategies to help you heal Long COVID and your nervous system. You’ll receive the nutritional guidance, supplement insights, and expert tips you need to accelerate your healing process and get you feeling great again.

Get the Implementation Plan Now for $37
Get the Implementation Plan Now for $37

Use the Coupon Code: SAVE100 to get the course for just $37

Your Guide On The Long COVID Recovery Path


Carrie Bailey is a highly skilled and compassionate Certified Functional Nutritionist, with more than a decade of experience helping hundreds of people overcome weird mystery symptoms that are the result of underlying viruses.

Carrie has a deep and unique understanding of the intricate connection between nutrition, supplements and how viruses work in your body.

She is dedicated to helping clients heal through a highly personalized dietary and supplement approach that breaks conventional wisdom and provides clients with an extraordinary ability to get rid of their symptoms.

Whether you're trying to break free of Long COVID or help a loved one…

Carrie Bailey is your go-to resource for cutting edge, nutrition, supplementation and Long COVID healing guidance.

Join now and get the nutrition guidance and actionable steps to rid your body of underlying viruses that trigger nasty symptoms - for good.

Renee Switkes

“I stopped eating wheat 3 weeks ago and lost 8 lbs with no effort! I have tried getting rid of this belly for years with a ton of exercise and eating healthy. Always led to frustration. But now I am feeling great, have less brain fog, more energy, and a happy tummy! — feeling happy.”

Christina Amendola

“Carrie is an amazing resource, not just for nutrition but for full body wellness. I came to her looking for guidance and information on how food was affecting some of my body’s systems. I got targeted and guided nutrition plans but also someone who was willing to hear my whole story and looked at my health comprehensively. ”

Tara O’Grady

“Working with Carrie I took steps to eliminate food to see if this would make a difference – and it did! I realized I needed to be checked for food allergies or intolerances. It turns out I am allergic to wheat and tomatoes. So with Carrie’s help I transitioned to a gluten free diet.”

Still Have Questions?

Get the Implementation Plan Now for $37
Get the Implementation Plan Now for $37

Use the Coupon Code: SAVE100 to get the course for just $37

Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our products, services and their potential health benefits. Although many individuals can experience positive changes, there is no guarantee that you will achieve specific health outcomes using the techniques and ideas presented in these materials. The examples provided are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of health improvements. Your health outcomes are entirely dependent on your commitment, lifestyle, and various factors unique to you. Since these factors vary from person to person, we cannot guarantee specific health outcomes, nor are we responsible for any of your actions related to your health journey. We do not claim any of our products or services to be a "magic solution."